Marcy and Skylight
Marcy | Skylight
Marcy and Skylight (#23 and #24)
lake tear of the clouds with marcy in background
view from marcy dam looking towards colden
group picture atop marcy
haystack, basin, gothics and giant from marcy
august 14, 1987
besides my father and two brothers, we were joined by my cousins paul, chris, and donna on this trip. the hike began from adirondack loj and followed the van hoevenberg trail to the summit of mount marcy. flying ants were swarming all around that day, but did not take away much from the experience. next we went down the steep southern side of marcy to four corners and on up skylight. on the way up skylight we began hiking individually. i did not have my own water at the time and this made for an exhausting climb on what was a very warm day. on skylight i was able to get water and the hike became fun again. on the return to the loj i got my first glimpse of lake tear of the clouds. this was my first of many long distance day hikes.jeff on summit of skylight
paul on marcy dam
mike near top of marcy, haystack in background
jeff and brian at trailhead near marcy damview to the east from marcy
boys with chris and donna on bridge over phelps brook
boys with chris and donna taking a break near indian falls
chris on skylight (notice the whiteness of the eastern slide on colden)
marcy from trail on skylight
dad and the boys near summit of marcy, colden in background
haystack from marcy
mike and brian nearing summit of skylight
mike on top of marcy with little marcy in background
looking down south face of marcy towards 4 corners and lake tear of the clouds
lake tear of the clouds
zoomed in paul, donna and mike on the boardwalk
skylight from marcy
jeff going down skylight
marcy from van hoevenberg trail
marcy from skylight
chris, jeff and brian with marcy in background
colden, algonquin and iroquios from van hoevenberg trail
paul, donna and mike on boardwalk over bog on north side of marcy
jeff on skylight, colden and macintyre's beyond